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Week 3

I've finished all the pirate concepts now, and am curently waiting on a render of a 3D model of their vehicle. I will post a few of the new pirates below and show the early concepts for their vehicle.

I started feeling a bit sick of characters this week. This has made me want to consider chosing an environment project next. I may or may not go through with this however as my environments are not as strong as my character design.

I will compile all of them into one image at the end, kind of how all of the overwatch characters are intended to work in harmony with eachother.

I really like the contrast between the larger, stronger looking characters and the smaller ones. I will definitely consider this use of size contrast when composing the final shot for the mini pirates.

Below are the concepts for the vehicle. I wanted something that the whole crew could pilot, not something that individuals could ride. I was thinking something along the lines of rats with saddle type things, but that wasn't really infitting with the whole pirate theme.

I'll post up the final shot showing this from a semi underneath angle. I wanted the vehicle to stay fun, as the character designs are on the whole very playful.

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