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FMP: Week 9-10

I'm still stressed out about how much I still have to do. Right now the concept art work isnt what feels like the most work though its making and laying out the book. I've been looking at zines online recently, zines by the way are:

Zines are often dedicated to artwork, poetry, cartoons, editorials and short stories. Because zines do not have any sort of corporate backing, they are very rugged, individualized, and much more charismatic than larger, more popular magazines whose content is often dictated by their advertisers.

I this kind of simple graphic layout looks really great, especially for showing off drawings. I will try and implement some of this clean layout in my book.

I really like the idea of small self published printed work, I don't think I will use the zine format for the golden pear but given how cheap and easy they are to produce I think they would be a great way to give people an example of your work instead of a business card.

After FMP I will probably look into creating some work and assembling it into a zine to give away to people.

Anyway, I've been working on the dark forest area like I said I would, so far this is the work for it:

This mood paiting is pretty much how I wanted the dark forest to look. It is meant to be a magical , dense forest that has been corrupted by Emperor Putro (his spike things are all around the forest.)

Just a few small props for the dark forest. I liked how the evil spike things give off light in the mood painting.

This character is the 'boss character' for the dark forest. A corrupted looking evil witch. I will probably give her a more nerdy and suitable name in the book but at the moment she's just a witch

I thought some evil looking trees could be fun, like how the swamp has the carnivore plant the dark forest has these. Doing iterations of concepts like this is always a lot of fun and might look good i the book too.

I will post some images of how the book is coming along soon its changed a lot.

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