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FMP: Week 15-16

I've been super busy this week as I realized I haven't even started work on the poster yet. I decided to make a poster and an art book because I thought it would be a fun way to show off the project. I also love poster design and print is a medium I find very rewarding.

I was really inspired by zedig's work (as usual) and I really love the wacky narratives that his posters have. I also looked at some more conventional movie style posters for inspiration.

Here are some rough sketches I knocked up to plan out a composition for the poster before I jumped into the final thing. The colour version is still a work in progress so doesn't represent the final image yet.

I really want to show off Emperor Putro's lair and the two main characters, Cedric and Beezl. The bottom right is the one I went with in the end as I thought a greater sense of scale would look more impressive when on a large A1 poster.

I originally wanted to show off lots of characters in the poster but I haven't allotted enough time to make the poster that detailed and contain that many characters.

One problem I have also run into is that the photoshop file for the A1 poster is huge. Working on a 1G sized psd at 300 dpi on my old falling apart (literally) laptop has proven to be a bit of a challenge, so I am working on it in labs and sending myself flat versions to check the values at home on my monitor that I have calibrated the colours on.

I have a very long way to go on this before I'll ever show anyone properly but you can sort of see where it is going. I think the skeletons and Putro in the background are too dark at the moment and the groud is a mess but I will post a more updated version when I have it.

I have also been doing little things that need doing but that I have put off. Things like getting my friend who is a writer to write the intro for the book and naming characters. I have also added little label style titles to the different sections of the book that break up one area from another.

These little things take up more time than I thought they would but I have to get them out of the way. I still have a couple (yikes) more weeks to go before its all due and I can never draw again.

Here are some rough sketches I did to try and plan out what to do with the poster.

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