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Week 4

Now that the pirate project is over, I can make a fresh start on the semi stylized Epic city project. I did decide to go with the environment focussed project in the end to have a break from characters and try to push myself out of my comfort zone a little more.

So I started with some research over the weekend, however, I started with some idea of a city I wanted to start with.

Some art influences for the project. The concept art for 'skylanders super chargers' has been a great influence on my work recently. Its colourful and full of interesting design choices.

Pinterest has been a great way to organize my reference before I start working. I also like that it gives you different results to those you would get from just using google images.

So far I just have a few sketches of the first city, which is an 'Undead' city. I wanted the cities to be in a fantasy setting. With this city I wanted to use a blue heavy colour palette to make it feel spooky and haunted almost.

I started off designing the gate of the city to try and set a mood to take into the rest of the city design.

I have lots of work to do, hopefully I will have more to show at the start of next week!

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