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FMP: Week 1

I spent the Chirstmas holidays gathering reference and inspiration from artists and online sources. I have pretty much decided on my idea now too.

I spoke it through with my tutor (of which I think I have 2? I need to check that…) and the title of the Project, (at the moment) is:

The story so far is as follows (dramatic music) :

The ancient artefact known as the Golden Pear has been stolen from the city of Pera by the evil emperor Putro. He and his skeleton minions plan to misuse the pear’s powers for evil and to take over the world with it. It’s up to two heroes, known only as dog and cat, to retrieve the Golden Pear from Putro and return peace to the world again.

The project will consist of a concept art/visual development book which shows off some of the characters and environments in the world of the Golden Pear. The movie style poster is something I thought would be a fun way to promote the project and make it seem a little more fleshed out as a story.

This week has been mainly planning and panicking so far, with a little time dedicated to sketching and playing with the book making software Blurb which I will be using to print the book. (Hopefully...)

These are some sketches I did over Christmas to prepare which I may end up using. I think this style of character design will work well for a whole universe as it can be fairly wacky and out there while not seeming too unrealistic as still looks cartoony to an extent.

I want to use 3D a lot in this project too for paintovers as this is a technique I have become very fond of during the style matrix projects. I will be posting some of the 3D models I have made on this blog. I don’t know if they will look out of place in the book so they may never end up seeing the light of day, I will see how they look though in some tests later on.

I think the hardest part about this project will be time management, I am notoriously bad at it and I am a fairly slow worker when it comes to work outside of freelance. If I get any more work during the time I’m doing FMP I have decided to take it on and just do it.

I'm not feeling overly stressed about this project yet, to be honenst I am just really happy that I am doing an entirely 2D project.

I have actually found the time to play some games too, which has been great. I have been pretty much addicted to playing 'Shovel Knight' a platformer where you play as a shovel wielding knight who is saving someone from a castle. (sounds very similar to mine I know)

The character designs are great and it has a great soundtrack so I would highly recommend!

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